Running from January 30 to April 4, A Season for Nonviolence is a 64-day call for the practice of peace and empowering us to live in a nonviolent world. Begun by Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson 17 years ago, Arun Gandhi, in recognition of the Memorial Anniversaries of Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the U.N. has recognized this time period as an annual event.
At Sedona Interfaith Fellowship, we will honor the principles and power of the messages of nonviolence and peace that these two great souls brought into the consciousness of the world, at our Sunday Gathering this Sunday, February 2, 2014.
Sedona Public Library, 9:30 a.m.
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…adapted from 64 Days and Ways to Practice Nonviolence by the Global New Thought Movement and Compassionate Activism for Global Healing by the Association for Global New Thought and added to by SIF parishioners Tanya Mayer and Paul Friedman. They are grouped in 9 categories: nonviolence toward self, in close relationships, in my communication, in recreation, in my perspective of others, in daily living, in work, for mother earth, and in our world.
Use Sign-Up Box on this page by typing in your email address.
You can also pick up a hard copy at the Sunday Service.
We will also keep you informed of other activities during the Season that might be of interest.
I apologize for the delay in getting this notice out — life seems to have a life of its own sometimes!