Day 46, Mar. 16:
Today, I interact with my family in a relaxed and peaceful manner.
We may experience more violence with family members whom we love than with strangers. We interact with family members much more frequently, about many more things, in all sorts of physical, mental, and emotional states. We too often take may take their reactions to us personally and interpret their agreement or cooperation as indicators of how much they care for us. So we are more likely to lose our cool with them. Today, remember that getting along with family is quite a challenge that everyone must try to meet for peace to prevail. Today, take no offense at anything said to you by a family member. Handle each situation with serenity.
We learn to practice nonviolence one step at a time, one choice at a time, one day at a time. This is how each of us, in our own way, moves the world in the direction of peace. This is the Season for Nonviolence.
This is a part of 64 days of affirmations commemorating the Season for Nonviolence, the span of days between the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. These writings have been adapted from 64 Days and Ways to Practice Nonviolence by the Global New Thought Movement and Compassionate Activism for Global Healing by the Association for Global New Thought and added to by Tanya Mayer and Paul Friedman. They are grouped in 9 categories: nonviolence toward self, in close relationships, in my communication, in recreation, in my perspective of others, in daily living, in work, for mother earth and in our world.