Dear Ones,
It’s been a couple of months since we last met formally in the library setting. Since then, Jon and I have been praying and processing, listening and praying! A few weeks ago, we held an intimate get-together with the few folks that had stuck it out with us to the end. After a short time of prayer and meditation and a few reflections from me, Jon shared a delicious brunch of quiche, home-baked breads, and fruit salad.
There isn’t much to report in terms of new direction yet, but that doesn’t mean we have been idle, either! We are looking at alternate spaces for Gatherings, and continue to explore what those Gatherings might look and feel like. I can report that it doesn’t feel right to do what we had been doing, either here or someplace new. And, it does feel exciting to think of all of the possibilities. I won’t jinx any of them by talking too soon about them.
I had originally thought that we might have something going by February or March, but that has not come into fruition. It seems as though we are being guided to hold the course and wait.
We continue to ask for your prayers and love. While it has been difficult for us to transition out of the public arena at this time, we are grateful for the spiritual and emotional support of our little community. Stay tuned!
Rev. Susan Perry