We have so much for which we are grateful!
Let us come together in Thanksgiving as a community of many faiths….
Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service
This Year’s Theme: “Sharing Bounty”
Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 7:00 pm
St. John Vianney Catholic Church
180 Soldiers Pass Rd., Sedona, AZ 86336
Pie, Cider and Coffee Fellowship will follow the service.
Canned Food Drive & Donations
To bring our thoughts and intentions into action, participants are encouraged to bring canned or non-perishable foods to donate to the local food pantry, as well as cash contributions.
This Interfaith Service is a community-wide celebration of all for which we are grateful. There will be 14 faith communities of Sedona represented, plus an Inter-Faith choir. All are welcome!