SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 40, March 10


Day 40, Mar. 10:

Today, I drive with tolerance and patience.

In our cars, we can see ourselves in a race with others, or with time, to get where we want to go, or as having a chance to enjoy the journey along the way.  The first is a more violent perspective; the latter more peaceful.  Today, enjoy your ride, see other drivers as fellow-travelers down the road of life, and give them a wave and a smile!


We learn to practice nonviolence one step at a time, one choice at a time, one day at a time.  This is how each of us, in our own way, moves the world in the direction of peace.  This is the Season for Nonviolence.

This is a part of 64 days of affirmations commemorating the Season for Nonviolence, the span of days between the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.  These writings have been adapted from 64 Days and Ways to Practice Nonviolence by the Global New Thought Movement and Compassionate Activism for Global Healing by the Association for Global New Thought and added to by Tanya Mayer and Paul Friedman. They are grouped in 9 categories: nonviolence toward self, in close relationships, in my communication, in recreation, in my perspective of others, in daily living, in work, for mother earth and in our world.

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