In the story of Jesus making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we can see a metaphor for our own journey to Jerusalem, our personal “holy city.” At Sedona Interfaith Fellowship this Sunday, we will take a look at what this journey is about.
Palm Sunday for Christians is a time of jubilation, when believers symbolically lay palms before the feet of Jesus, recognizing him as king. When we lay down our palms this Sunday and walk upon them ourselves, it demonstrates that the strength of Jesus’ message can be found within each one of us, too. We are caretakers of God’s Love here on earth, just as Jesus was. Each of us is “king,” and it is up to us to make a commitment to what kingdom we wish to serve: the kingdom of God’s Love, or the kingdom of our own tiny little self.
Sunday Gathering at the Sedona Library, Community Room, 9:30 a.m.
Other Easter Week Gatherings include:
Good Friday & Passover Service of Reflection: Friday, April 18, at 7 p.m., at the SIF Office. Maps at Sunday Gatherings. A candlelight gathering with contemplative singing, meditation, prayer, and sacred readings.
Easter Service, Sunday, April 20, at 9:30 a.m., at the library. a time for rejoicing and celebration! Potluck Gathering at the SIF Office following. Maps at Sunday Gathering.