Sunday, August 21: “Fundamentalism OR the Fundamentals?”

Susan Promo Photo 2010So, we watched the video on Sunday from the Lunch with Bokara series, featuring Brother David Steindl-Rast and Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, who discussed “Mysticism, Fundamentalism, Gratitude and Forgiveness.” A lot packed into a half-hour! And what a great discussion following — thank you to those that were able to attend and contribute. Your insights, feelings and comments were amazing!

It got me to thinking about the word, “fundamentalism.” It is certainly a loaded word in our current culture, what with fundamentalist religious terrorists, fundamentalist religious/political fanatics, and so on. But let’s take another look at where that word comes from — “fundamental.” What is fundamental to spirit? What is at the core of what we believe and therefore practice? How do we reclaim the spirit, the essence, of our beliefs, the heart and soul of who we are?

Let’s explore this together — “Fundamentalism OR the Fundamentals?”

And can we bring the “fun” back into it??

This Sunday, August 21
10:00 a.m.

At the Meeting Space at Weddings In Sedona
30 Kayenta Ct., Suite 3
Sedona, AZ

Let me know if you need directions — it’s kind of tucked back and around behind the West Sedona Fire Station.

Much to love to you, and we look forward to connecting soon!
Rev. Susan Perry and Jon Michael

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