Too often, we confuse being of service with codependency. We confuse compassion with perpetuating laziness and complacency in others. Yet, the injunctions given by great masters from all of the spiritual traditions direct us to practice compassion, and to serve our brothers and sisters that are in need.
From Jesus to the Buddha, Mohammed and Baha’u’llah, from modern “saints” like Mother Teresa and Gandhi, the injunction is the same: We are one family. We are here to serve one another, to love one another, to extend to one another. Even modern spiritual classics such as A Course in Miracles direct us to extend to our brothers and sisters, remembering we are one in God.
This Sunday we will take a look at what it means to be God’s Hands here on earth, and how we can truly extend God’s light now.
We will recognize the many that have volunteered and served in some capacity for the Fellowship: Volunteer Recognition Sunday.
Sedona Interfaith Fellowship is dedicated to finding and using the beauty and wisdom in all of the world’s sacred paths. We are committed to serving as an opening through which individuals may more deeply experience the presence of God.
Sunday services at the library, 9:30 am. Rev. Susan Perry: 282-0293.