SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 41, March 11
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN DAILY LIVING Day 41, Mar. 11: Today, I appreciate my boss or my teacher. We may tend to resent someone with authority over us because we dislike being told what to do, being judged on what we do, and having our freedom curtailed. But they are human, too, and…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 40, March 10
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN DAILY LIVING Day 40, Mar. 10: Today, I drive with tolerance and patience. In our cars, we can see ourselves in a race with others, or with time, to get where we want to go, or as having a chance to enjoy the journey along the way. The…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 39, March 9
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 39, Mar. 9: Today, I KNOW and live my Oneness with all living beings! Gautama Buddha said, “He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 38, March 8
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 38, Mar. 8: Today, I learn a prayer or spiritual practice from another tradition that seems strange or different to me. Gandhi noted, “If we are to respect others’ religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 37, March 7
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 37, Mar. 7: Today, I take time to appreciate the people who provide me with challenges in my life, knowing they are providing me with opportunities to heal. You judge people based on your past experiences. When someone annoys you, it’s usually because…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 36, March 6
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 36, Mar. 6: Today, I seek the light of divinity within all people, even in the appearance of darkness. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 35, March 5
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 35, Mar. 5: Today, I strive to understand and respect another culture. People are influenced by their social environment. What’s fine among one group of people seems strange to others. When you feel distaste for what someone else does, consider how it would…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 34, March 4
7 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 34, Mar. 4: Today, I look beyond stereotypes and prejudices. In war, the enemy’s humanity is reduced by referring to them with demeaning names. When someone refers to a person in terms of the group they are in, their gender, race, age, or…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 33, March 3
8 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN MY PERSPECTIVE OF OTHERS Day 33, Mar. 3: Today, I will find the up-side, the half-full, the positive side of whatever I perceive and share only from that perspective. When someone complains or criticizes today, ask about what’s worthwhile in what they are disparaging, or what they might…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 32, March 2
8 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN RECREATION Day 32, Mar. 2: Today, I choose to compassionately encourage a child to notice and eliminate the sources of violence in his/her life. “As the twig is bent, the tree inclines,” said Virgil long ago. Children exposed to peaceful input will be more peaceful adults. What can…