Category: SIF News & Random Thoughts

  • Sunday, July 31 — What can we learn from Sufism and Islam?

    Sufism is the mystical path of the Muslim faith, and with Ramadan beginning next week, it might be helpful to explore a little of what these faiths are all about.  In a continuing effort to examine various traditions in the spirit of interfaith, participants will take a brief look at the historical background of Islam…

  • Sunday, July 24 — What Is Innocence on the Spiritual Path?

    Children are such good teachers!  Most parents would agree that their life lessons in patience and tolerance become particularly important with children on the scene.  And then there are all of the lessons children teach by example.  They remind the grown-up world to stop and smell the flowers, and that a hug or holding a…

  • Sunday, July 17 — Interfaith Celebrates 15th Anniversary!

    Sedona Interfaith Fellowship is having its fifteenth anniversary celebration this Sunday. The Interfaith model calls for a respect of the many ways in which the truth comes to all people, keeping in mind that God, by whatever name we practice, is within us, around us, guiding us, loving us. This anniversary celebration will be a…

  • Sunday, July 10: The Highest Wisdom — Kindness

    There is a Jewish teaching in the Talmud that says, “The highest wisdom is kindness.” Five simple yet profound words that sum up one of the greatest spiritual teachings, like those of the Golden Rule. Kindness is a quality that is undervalued in our culture. With a little bit of focus, it might actually bring…

  • Sunday, July 3 – What is Freedom?

    Monday is this country’s Independence Day celebration. We recognize the many rights and responsibilities living in this country affords us. We revel in the many freedoms we’ve grown accustomed to in our lifestyles. Yet, we also say that freedom comes at a cost. What is the price we pay for freedom? And, are we really…

  • Sunday, June 19 – Father’s Day

    We honor fathers this Sunday, in whatever form: birth father or adopted, teacher, father-in-law, stepfather, adult friend.  It matters not the label; we are thankful for those that have played this important role in our lives. And further, it is a day to look to God as the ultimate father-figure.  Although God in reality has…

  • Sunday, May 29 – Memorial Day & the “Bhagavad Gita”

    This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, a time of honoring those that lost their lives serving our country. We honor the courage and bravery that servicemen exhibited in the face of adversity. The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text, has an interesting perspective on going to battle. It starts from the questioning of Arjuna, a…

  • Guest Speaker Sunday May 22

    In this day and age it appears that many of the faithful are jumping on the bandwagon of end-of-times scenarios such as the May 21st Judgment Day, or next year’s Mayan calendar prophecies. In either scenario, those who care to heed the warnings or are attuned to the signs, will be spared great suffering and…