SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 11, February 9
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Day 11, Feb. 9: Today, I choose a ripple effect of good by an act of kindness toward another. When you are out driving today, slow down and let another person in front of you, let pedestrians cross the street. If living with others, find a…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 10, February 8
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 10, Feb. 8: Today, I find one way to “treat” myself to a peace-filled experience. What encourages you to forgive yourself or someone else? A particular spiritual quotation, a kind of music, following your breath, vigorous exercise? Instead of chancing upon it, deliberately give yourself that…
SNV Daily Affirmations – Day 9, February 7
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 9, Feb. 7: Today, I live in the present moment and release the past. Poet and activist, Maya Angelou turned a traumatic childhood experience into a catalyst for creativity and achievement. Reflect on a painful incident in your life and find the gift it has given…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 8, February 6
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 8, Feb. 6: Today, I let go of one thought or behavior that no longer serves my highest concept of myself. What thought entered your mind the last time you felt bad about yourself? Simply recognize it as a myth and release it. We learn…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 7, February 5
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 7, Feb. 5: Today, I practice self-compassion. Author Louise Hay says, “Resentment, fear, criticism and guilt cause more problems than anything else.” These states presume you or someone else should be different. Instead, accept and love yourself exactly as you are, without applying any “shoulds” to…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 6, February 4
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 6, Feb. 4: Today, I forgive myself. When we judge ourselves, we think we are our actions or possessions. Know today that who you really are is always whole and good, regardless of what you do, or have, at any given moment. We learn to…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 5, February 3
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 5, Feb. 3: Today, I strive to learn from my mistakes without self criticism or judgment. See everything you do today as a well-intentioned “experiment.” Whenever the results aren’t what you hoped for, be grateful for the feedback and use it to try a better “experiment”…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 4, February 2
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 4, Feb. 2: Today, I affirm my value and worth with positive “self talk” and refuse to put myself down. Louise Hay says, “Praise yourself as much as you can…The love in our lives begins with us…Loving yourself will help heal this planet.” Right now, think…
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 3, February 1
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 3, Feb. 1: Today, I eliminate all self-deprecating joking and sarcasm. According to Peter McWilliams, “Nonviolence toward the self is caring for oneself. Self love is a crowning sense of self worth.” Today, see yourself as God would–laugh at your struggles with tender, compassionate love. …
SNV Daily Affirmation – Day 2, January 31
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 2, Jan 31: Today I reflect on what peace means to me. “Peace” is just a word until we envision clearly a peaceful life and a peaceful world. Today, recall what occurs when your life is peaceful and when it is less than that. How…