This Sunday for SIF at alternate location
Sundays, April 21 and 28 9:30 a.m. Sunday Gathering LOCATION IS MOVED ..due to the semi-annual book sale at the Sedona Library. NEW LOCATION: SEDONA CREATIVE LIFE CENTER ART CABIN Go to lower level parking, and park in the farthest right lot. The Art Cabin is located just below the main Great Room, before you…
Easter Sunday Celebration – March 31
Easter Sunday: The iconic Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Yet, it is also a powerful interfaith event for all humankind that demonstrates the strength and magnificence of God and of ourselves. Jesus demonstrated what is available to all of us, if we will only open our eyes and see ourselves as God sees…
SNV Daily Affirmation — Day 2, January 31
10 DAYS OF AFFIRMATIONS FOR NONVIOLENCE TOWARD SELF Day 2, Jan 31: Today, I reflect on what peace means to me. “Peace” is just a word until we envision clearly a peaceful life and a peaceful world. Today, recall what occurs when your life is peaceful and when it is less than that. How do…
Loss of our Beloved Sister, Carolyn
This last Saturday, December 29, 2012, our beloved sister, Carolyn Jones, left her physical body for the fields of Heaven. She was a dedicated student of A Course in Miracles, a devoted parishioner of Sedona Interfaith Fellowship, and a follower of all things spiritual, which included a deep and driving desire for community. Her eclectic…
Sunday Gatherings Resume on Jan. 6 at Library
We welcome the New Year! Several of us gathered on New Year’s Eve, to release the past — what is done is done — and welcome with open arms what will be. The intimate gathering in the Chapel at Sedona Creative Life Center focused on forgiveness and letting go, which creates a certain freedom to…
New Year’s Eve Gathering
Monday, December 31, 2012 7:00 p.m. Sedona Creative Life Center, Chapel Come join in a time of release — let’s let go of the baggage of the past, and welcome with open hearts what will be. An opening is created for whatever is good and beautiful and true, as we relinquish the burden of what…
Sunday, December 16 — Shine Your Light!
Light festivals continue at Interfaith At Sedona Interfaith Fellowship, we use Advent to honor festivals of light from several traditions, as a symbol of inviting the light to come and recognizing the divine within. This Sunday we honor Divali, meaning “row of lights,” a Hindu celebration of renewal, cleansing and purification, celebrated at the end…
Apologies for Strange Blog Posts
You may have received an old posting from the Season for Nonviolence, the subscription sign-up, and perhaps others. Please ignore and delete. There is some sort of technical challenge going on right now — don’t ask me why! I am trying to get it fixed. MY APOLOGIES!!
Sunday, December 9 – Celebrating Light!
Continuing the celebration of Light Festivals during the Advent season, Sedona Interfaith Fellowship will honor Hanukkah this Sunday. While being a minor festival, this Jewish celebration has become honored over time, a festival of lights in which menorahs are seen burning everywhere, acknowledging the miracle that occurred in 165 B.C., when Judah Maccabbee led a…
Sunday, December 2 — Celebrate Light!
With the impending holidays, many people wonder how they can bring the true spirit of the season more into their lives, and lessen the focus on the secular aspects that seem to take over. Advent begins this Sunday, which is a time of preparing for the event of Christ’s birth on the Christian calendar. It…