Easter Sunday Celebration – March 31

Lily 2

Easter Sunday: The iconic Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  Yet, it is also a powerful interfaith event for all humankind that demonstrates the strength and magnificence of God and of ourselves.  Jesus demonstrated what is available to all of us, if we will only open our eyes and see ourselves as God sees us, see our brothers and sisters as God sees them.  This will be an “eye-opening” experience for participants – a fun surprise!

A potluck will follow the Easter service at the Fellowship home/office.  Maps are available at the service.

Each Sunday at Sedona Interfaith Fellowship, inspirational sacred word and stories of compassion are interspersed with an eclectic musical mix offered by Music Minister Jon Michael, culminating in a thought-provoking, practical, and often moving message on a particular theme of interest, provided by Spiritual Leader, Reverend Susan Perry.  As time permits, sharing or special offerings take place.

Sedona Interfaith Fellowship is dedicated to finding and using the beauty and wisdom from all of the world’s sacred paths, and is committed to serving as an opening through which individuals may more deeply experience the presence of God.

logoSunday Service: Sedona Library, 9:30 a.m.

Rev. Susan Perry: 282-0293.


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