A Buddhist text says, “Even as a mother at the risk of her life would watch over her own, her only child, so let us with boundless mind and good will survey the whole world.”
Sunday is Mother’s Day, a day of honoring all mothers, especially our own. We also remember how the mother-nature of God enfolds and embraces us, showing us how we ourselves might interact with the world. Just as God nurtures and cares for us, so too may we care for all beings in loving support. A mother’s love can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, a metaphor for the depth of God’s love for us.
Sedona Interfaith Fellowship is dedicated to finding and using the beauty and wisdom from all of the world’s sacred paths, and to be an opening through which individuals may more deeply experience the presence of God.
Join us at the Sunday Service for inspiration for the coming week.
Sedona Library,9:30 a.m.